We can love an infinite number of people. There are no limits to our capacity to care emotionally for another person, to accept and express our feelings towards others. Love can find many and varied expressions. The smile we give a waiter, a friendly greeting for a shopkeeper. We can feel love when we stroke […]
Category: Media & Press

The Erotic and the participation of women
In Greek Mythology Eros is the god of love, known by the Romans under the name of Amor. Eros was the son of the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, and Ares, the Greek god of war; thus, bow and arrow were in his blood from the outset. In the Modern Greek language erotic means […]

Announcing exhibition by Linda Troeller in Apolda
We are happy to announce that NYC based photographer Linda Troeller will show selected works in the exhibition “Linda Troeller: Apolda – New York” at the Kulturfabrik in Apolda in the middle of Germany, two hours from Berlin. The exhibition celebrates Troeller’s many pictures connecting the Tuskany of the East, Thuringia, in all its beauty […]

Marion Schneider about the female gaze
LINDA: Marion, let me ask you: Do you think, that there are male and female viewpoints? MARION: I even know that they exist, because we are heavily controlled by our hormones as men and women. And we have entirely different hormone systems in our cycles. They are only similar at the beginning and at the […]