The relationship we have to our body is most essential. The question of how we treat our body decides about how we treat the world, because it expresses our basic and most individual first relationship and the only one over which we have complete freedom to change as it is determined only by ourselves. The […]
Tag: blog

About Love
We can love an infinite number of people. There are no limits to our capacity to care emotionally for another person, to accept and express our feelings towards others. Love can find many and varied expressions. The smile we give a waiter, a friendly greeting for a shopkeeper. We can feel love when we stroke […]

5 feminist Instagram accounts to better your social media feed
Instagram can be a time suck but it can also be a great place to be inspired and empowered as a woman. All you have to do is follow accounts which make you proud to be a woman – as we all should be! That’s why today we’re sharing 5 feminist Instagram accounts to better […]

Photographer’s Journey: How water makes you feel safe
It was fascinating to hear from the many women we portrayed in our book Orgasm about their sexual lives which varied a lot. For example, Nirvano talked about how including water into her erotic life gives her a feeling of protection: “I have had many experiences in water or under waterfalls and I love surfing […]