In Greek Mythology Eros is the god of love, known by the Romans under the name of Amor. Eros was the son of the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, and Ares, the Greek god of war; thus, bow and arrow were in his blood from the outset. In the Modern Greek language erotic means […]
Tag: pleasure

Photographer’s Journey: The ecstatic feeling of horseback riding
For our book Orgasm women told us about their most orgiastic moments. Here’s an excerpt by Clara who talks about the feeling of freedom while horseback riding: “Once, as a little girl, I had a feeling of total happiness on the back of my horse while we were riding into the countryside. It happened again […]

Photographer’s Journey: The excitement of sexual fantasies
We talked with women from all over the world about their orgasms and sexual fantasies for our book Orgasm. Here’s an excerpt from the interview with Sabine: “I had lots of strong, intense orgasms and the last one seems always the strongest. It was never my intention to look back and to count them. But […]

Photographer’s Journey: Getting to know your sexuality while having fun with shower heads
For our book Orgasm we interviewed Dragonfly who talked about her pleasurable experience with shower heads: “Detachable shower heads are just fun if you want to clean everything. One day I showered to clean THAT thing and I was like ‘oh wow!’. So that’s why I took a lot of long showers. To which my mother […]