Instagram can be a time suck but it can also be a great place to be inspired and empowered as a woman. All you have to do is follow accounts which make you proud to be a woman – as we all should be! That’s why today we’re sharing 5 feminist Instagram accounts to better your social media feed.
Yonilovee: This account by a female sexual health and wellness pleasure and sensuality coach shares quotes, photos and drawings all about female sexuality. Her posts are always clever, bold and close to real life. She also has a blog, where she shares her love for the female pleasure center.
art_should_disturb: This account by a writer, dancer and artist truly offers what it promises with its title: art about taboo topics, often depicting the female body, created by her. With the pictures come long and insightful captions about sexuality and sensuality.
DamesCollectives.CT: This is actually the networking account of Fairfield County’s female leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, but it is also interesting for women outside Fairfield County, as it collects high quality photos and inspiring quotes all about how women are stronger, when they work together.
VumClubUSA: This account is dedicated to intimate fitness and sex education. Here you can find fascinating articles about female sexuality. It’s focused on improving women’s sex life and shares brave and modern texts as well as sexy photos.
F.R.A.U: Last but not least we want to introduce you to our own Instagram account, on which we share the beautiful photos NYC based photographer Linda Troeller takes of women worldwide enjoying their sexuality. Additionally, you can find inspiring captions, quotes and art pieces we love as well as in future posts by author Marion Schneider on our account. We’d love for you to stop by! Also, don’t forget to check out the other great feminist Instagram accounts in this list.
Written by Sunita Sukhana
Featured Image: Pictures Copyright top left by art_should_disturb, bottom left by serendipitous_squirrel, all other photos by lindatroeller