For our book Orgasm we interviewed Dragonfly who talked about her pleasurable experience with shower heads: “Detachable shower heads are just fun if you want to clean everything. One day I showered to clean THAT thing and I was like ‘oh wow!’. So that’s why I took a lot of long showers. To which my mother […]
Tag: female sexuality

Photographer’s Journey: Having the first orgasm in summer camp
An excerpt from the interview with Solveig from my book Orgasm: “I remember that when I had my first orgasm, I was 15 years old, and I was in a summer camp which had big army-like tents with beds inside. The girls had a tent, and the boys had a tent. It was dark outside, […]

Photographer’s Journey: The many different definitions of eroticism and pleasure
The women I work with have so many definitions of eroticism and the role of an orgasm. Each one of those definitions adds insight to the powerful aspects of sexuality in a woman’s life. One woman we interviewed, Gudrun, said: “For me, orgasms can be very different. Sometimes they are gentle like a wave in […]

Photographer’s Journey: Representation without objectification
Some colleagues, curators and experts have written about my photographs which provides feedback and shows me that my process is useful and important. Mimi Schippers, Professor at University of New Orleans, wrote: “There are very few people who, in our pornified society, can visually capture and eroticize the female and feminine body without objectifying it. […]