In our group of women who curate this blog and our online presence in general I am responsible for spreading our message of women empowerment all across the social networks. This is a beautiful job, as I don’t have to market something unnecessary for people to buy but a strong and important concept like women empowerment.
However, this task is not always easy. For us an important part of women empowerment is talking openly about and celebrating female sexuality, which is why I regularly share pictures and texts about sexuality. With posts like these also come the trolls. Annoying messages and comments by men who think our posts are a desperate cry for a sex partner have to be sorted, dealt with and deleted.
But even the people we are doing all of this for, women who want to be empowered, are not always so receptive when it comes to topics like female sexuality. While they enjoy the posts, they hesitate to share them because they are afraid of what their friends might think when an article about sexuality pops up on their timeline. This just shows how far away from an empowered relationship with our sexuality we still are. Female sexuality is still in many aspects a taboo which is not talked about openly. But if no one talks about it, women will never learn that there are many out there who share their feelings and experiences, whose knowledge might enrich our everyday sexuality and who will make us feel less alone. Only when female sexuality becomes something we’re not ashamed of, will the suppression of women and their bodies stop.
Unfortunately, the social networks often don’t make it easy to create such an open environment for discussion. Pictures I shared of women who were sometimes even fully clothed but enjoyed their sexuality in some way where deleted. Facebook ads I wanted to start were always denied because they were deemed to be too sexual, though they did not focus specifically on female sexuality but on women empowerment in general and though the target audience was defined as 18+. It seems, the only place women are allowed to communicated openly about their sexuality are private groups on Facebook which turns sexuality again into a topic which is best kept secret, despite the fact that it is an important part of many women’s lives.
We wish to create a more open environment to talk about women empowerment in all its forms online as well as offline. Luckily, there are also many women out there who get it and who are looking for the same honest exchange as we are. It’s a privilege to meet them through my social media marketing experiences and to work together towards a world in which women will truly be empowered.
Written by Sunita Sukhana
Featured Image by Linda Troeller
Find us on Facebook: Orgasm and FRAU – Women Empowerment
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