German newspaper report on female sexuality features Linda Troeller and Orgasm Interviewed after a lecture in the gallery Gebrüder Lehmann in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, a federal state of Germany, Linda Troeller is quoted within a report on female sexuality and research on orgasm:
Womens´ sexuality is enigmatic. Research is after the secret of female orgasm.
By Christiane Wittich
Eroticism and lust are something like a presentation” the photographer says.
“Which doesn´t compellable have to lead to orgasm. He is something deeply original.”
„Female sexuality is a taboo“, says Linda Troeller.
„In our society there is only pornography or the virginal girl. We know much about what menfolk want from us and very little about what we need ourselves.” But exempted speech about female orgasm and the intricate paths which lead to him would also liberate society. “The world would be a better place” says Troeller, “because we would be less busy in waging war but more in giving pleasure to one another.”