MARION: Linda, my question is: Do you believe, that there is a male and female gaze? LINDA: Yes, I do think so. MARION: In what regard? LINDA: I’m not sure if we are born with it or if it’s in our genes. As I never had a child, I can’t say much about early life. […]
Tag: women empowerment

5 feminist Instagram accounts to better your social media feed
Instagram can be a time suck but it can also be a great place to be inspired and empowered as a woman. All you have to do is follow accounts which make you proud to be a woman – as we all should be! That’s why today we’re sharing 5 feminist Instagram accounts to better […]

A Sexy New Year’s Resolution
We hope you had wonderful holidays and are healthy, happy and excited for the new year! Around this time of the year many of us set up resolutions about how to finally achieve our goals and become the person we want to be in 2019. But in all your planning for doing more sport, getting […]

The Highs and Lows of Women Empowerment Social Media Marketing
In our group of women who curate this blog and our online presence in general I am responsible for spreading our message of women empowerment all across the social networks. This is a beautiful job, as I don’t have to market something unnecessary for people to buy but a strong and important concept like women […]